When will I get the bike?
After you order, the bike will arrive after 3-5 working days.
Do I have to assemble my bike myself?
Due to transport, it would not be possible to ship the bike 100% assembled. The following parts, namely the front wheel, handlebars, seat post and pedals still need to be assembled. If you have any questions regarding the mount, please feel free to contact us.
How big is the package?
We pack the bike in a safe, thick box with the following dimensions:
Road bike - 130x20x70 cm
Folding bike - 80x68x37 cm
Electric folding bike - 90x73x40 cm
MTB bike - 138x75x22 cm
I am not familiar with mounting the bikeand I don't have any tools. Does the delivery also include assembly instructions?
Yes! Assembling the bike is a simple and quick process. We have included assembly instructions in the box. We will also provide you with all the necessary tools so that you can assemble the bike yourself.
How long does the statutory warranty on the bike last?
The statutory warranty is 2 years. During this time you can contact us at any time if a defect occurs.
How do I claim the warranty or return the bike for repair?
Please contact us and we will try to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. We will hire a shipping company to pick up the bike from you. After the repair, the bike will be sent back to you.